Apologies. I realize this is shameless tooting of my own horn, but I can’t help it. Claudia D. Christian has just posted the most magnificent review of Gaijin. For those of you who don’t know who Claudia is, you are in for a rare treat. She is a ‘writer of miserable love stories’ according to her About Me. Personally, I confess that she writes the only sort of romance I can read: dark, desperate and full of angst. Very pleasurable to read, very morish, very addictive for someone like me who loves their ‘sweet’ with a whole heap of ‘bitter’.
Her review of Gaijin is very complimentary and you’ll find some insightful and legitimate critiques of the structure of the story. She does pull her punches, I think, because plot structure is not my forte, and it probably deserves more of a spanking than she gives me. She relates an interesting reading of the story. I think the fact that she was born straddling cultures herself does give her a unique advantage in reading my work. And I’m deeply complimented that she would take the time to do it.
Gaijin – Erotic Short Review
Another very compelling reason to visit Claudia’s site is the wealth of very yummy writing she has up there for your reading pleasure. Her first novel Vicious Bliss: Fallen, is available from Amazon.