… why their mysterious feminine juices didn’t protect them from pregnancy, Mr. Akin.
And you, Mr. Ryan. Yes, you. The man who solidly and passionately backed a bill that would deny women the right to an abortion in cases of rape.
Let me tell you a story, both of you. Because perhaps you are too young, or too old, or too fucking ignorant about history to remember.
Between 1992 and 1995, during the Bosnian war, an estimated 20,000 women (this is the lowest estimate – some estimate as high as 50,000), mostly of Bosnian Muslim or Croat origin were herded into prisons and camps, systematically and repeatedly raped. This was an organized, deliberate act of ethnic cleansing on the part of, primarily, the Serbian army.
In some camps, like Karaman’s House and at Luka they were raped daily, purposefully impregnated and held prisoner to the term of their pregnancies. This tactic was used as a way to force Serbian ‘blood’ into the Bosnian populated areas. This happened to women and girls as young as 12.
In a landmark study of 68 victims of this abuse, 21 were raped daily, during their captivity. 29 of them became pregnant. 25 had suicidal thoughts, 52 had major depression a year after the end of the war. (Loncar, M.; V. Medved, N. Jovanovic and L. Hotujac (2006). “Psychological consequences of rape on women in 1991-1995 war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina”)
So for 40% of the women studied, their magic uterus didn’t work, Mr. Akin. Perhaps you imagine that for those 40% it wasn’t ‘legitimate’ rape. Maybe you think they enjoyed it, you sick fuck.
And of the 29 who did become pregnant, Mr. Ryan. YOU would have denied them the right to an abortion, you despicable bastard.
There were places where, towards the end of the war, knowing that what they had done could be prosecuted as a war crime, the Serbian army simply killed all the women. Places where the women were freed and wandered shellshocked and insane. Many committed suicide, Mr. Ryan and Mr. Akin.
Mr. Ryan, Mr. Akin, I want you to look at these women. I want you to roll out all your magic fluids crap and your ‘gift from god’ baby garbage to these women. There are at least 20,000 like them.

In fact, I will pay to fly you both to Bosnia so you can face the stadium full of women (it will take a stadium to hold them all) and trot out your ridiculous policy proposals to them.
Mr. Ryan, Mr. Akin, and you too, Mr. Romney – because you will actually tolerate Mr. Ryan standing next to you. I feel no hesitation in saying I despise you all. I hope you both rot in the deepest hell reserved for ignorant, sexist assholes who haven’t a fucking clue about women’s realities but want to run our world anyway.
Wonderful and terrible post rg.
well said, there seems to be an endless supply of these horribly evil people.
I wonder what stone they crawled out from under.
I suppose they are saying what big business wants them to say, what does that say about big business, and not just in the States.
You are a brave and admirable woman, bravo!
Actually, I’m not brave or admirable at all. The truth is, and I am quite positive of this, I would not have lived through what most of those women lived through. I would not have had the internal fortitude. I would have slit my throat. And that’s not an idle statement. I’m absolutely certain I would have.
Bravo, RG.
I think you are brave and admirable too. Thank you for telling it like it is.
Perhaps if we ALL spoke out, someone would listen … please ??
There was no increase in the birthrate in Bosnia. The “rape babies” didn’t materialize. This was propaganda to sell the war. The Bosnian Muslims had the largest army and paramilitary fighting within Bosnia, plus Croatia had 40,000 troops stationed there during the entire war. Initially they fought with the Bosnian Muslims and those groups had rape camps for Serbian women.
It was the Serbian women who FIRST sent documented testimony of rapes and rape camps to the UN Security Council in fall of 1992. Before that there was no media stories of rape camps. But the day after, the Bosnian Muslim government, started with its huge claims, but without any documentation nor hard evidence, of these 10s of thousands of Muslim women raped. But there never has been any hard evidence of this – no DNA, no paternity evidence brought forward, no medical evidence, UN soldier found no such camps – they would have had fresh/real evidence.
Your pictures show a lot of POSING for the cameras. Real raped women would be taken to a hospital to have evidence gathered.
The stories were proven false: one example was a supposed pregnant refugee Muslim girl that the U.S. major media followed closely. Suddenly they went silent around the time she was due. When investigators went to the hospital where she gave birth, they were told she had a BLACK child. Further investigation showed the father was a UN soldier she had an affair with.
There was also the women and baby posed in early January 1993. The baby was a full-term 2 month old, but the story accompanying it had the rape allegedly occurring in late April. So such a rape child would not have been born quite yet (if full term.) The woman and baby were just posed to push the hyped propaganda.
I have no idea what your fucking agenda is, but this is akin to denying the holocaust. And the only reason I am giving it space on my blog is to show other readers how fucked the world has become when people start blindly denying extremely well-documented history.
Don’t you DARE come on my blog and deny history.
Unlike the many who have drank the Kool-Aid, I do not believe suicide is necessarily a “weak” act. If someone has looked around them and does not like what they see with enough vehemence and knows their life will never be better and they are not going to just survive and struggle (only to die anyway… since being human has a 100% mortality rate), then no, I don’t think it’s weak to kill yourself.
Count me as someone who would take my own life as a general “fuck you” to the world at large in such a situation.
Due to the current political climate I am now calling myself a feminist. I made a post about this subject almost as angry as yours: http://kittythomas.com/2012/08/21/fuck-it-im-a-feminist-now/
Concerning Mr Akins strange comments and feeble attempts at back peddling, for its obvious he doesn’t grasp the implications of his statement. He simply doesn’t ‘get it’.
Its truly frightening to see power in the hands of a delusional individual.
Delusion= A belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.
Thank you. Well said. This is disgusting.
I also feel a little failed by my four years of higher level History education, that I never got to hear about crimes beyond WWII. The capabilities of human beings to be this disgusting and inhumane is not something that should be kept under wraps.
Hi Dear, Here is the problem. For Mr. Douche bag up there, It doesn’t matter if it were 20 or 20,000. To be a Cock Sucking piece of shit that you are and to debate over the count makes me want t beat your fucking punk ass and rape you with a broomstick. You worthless sorry mother fucker. The problem is the mentality of the people who did this is no different than that of Mitt Romney Mr. Ryan and the rest of the republican party. They have no respect for women and look at them as a lower form of life. They only care about themselves. And believe in the suppression of women. They don’t care who they hurt and will lie cheat and steal too get what they want. It is about power and control. Do as we say and believe as we do or else. They will use religion and any other means necessary to get what they want. Any politician who brings ANY kind of religion to the table is dangerous and has no place in office. Anyone who would force or use their religion to make law should be shot right in the fucking head. Any religion is just a tool to teachoyes self , self control and how to live honorably. And nothing more. The problem is that these people use their religion to stomp all over women’s rights. When that doesnt work the Bosnian women are a perfect example of the cruelty of people with power.