Sadly, the publishing company, Constable & Robinson, who published Beautiful Losers was purchased by Little, Brown. As far as I know, the only available version of the novel is in e-book form here:

I note that it is not available in any other market other than the UK.

Honestly, I’m fed up with publishing. At the same time, the expectation for writers to produce good work for free is almost universal.

Beautiful Losers first appeared in serialised form on this site. And while I do contemplate just putting it back up, I also hesitate to feed the beast of the ‘freebie’ culture, which really makes it almost impossible for most writers to earn even the most meagre of livings.

23 Responses

    1. I agree. I would pay up to $100 dollars for a printed version of this book. That’s all my spare money for two months. Bc I feel like its more than an erotica, or a cheap thrill. u know what I mean?

    2. I agree. I would pay up to $100 dollars for a printed version of this book. That’s all my spare money for two months. Bc I feel like its more than an erotica, or a cheap thrill. u know what I mean?

    3. I just wanted to say having read Beautiful Losers I loved the story so much I bought it through kindle. It wasn’t what I was looking for when I found it but it was an amazing story. Mostly thank you.

  1. Hi, Remittance Girl
    I was going to try to find it for free, but now you’ve offered it. I really can’t take it. You are right about the difficulties of an author to, on one hand, provide quality content to their audiences and at the same time, earn a living. If I could I would like to offer you a whole publishing house dedicated to promoting your work. But as I currently have 130 in my bank account, that seems very unlikely. I would though, love to pay for my part of getting any copies of the book.

  2. Could you perhaps self publish via Kindle? It’s not hard copy and it’s not a lot of money usually – but you can set your own price and avoid that devaluation thing that expects artists to work for free – and most importantly make it available to those not in the UK. Also Kindle books can be read on any device and even be given as gifts. Sorry if that sounds like an advert. I’m visually impaired and Kindle has been an important part of keeping books accessible to me. Personally I’m surprised more people in the community don’t do it, although I know Kayla Lords has.

    Also, Thank your for writing such intriguing stories that really invite thought – something I rarely do when reading fiction. Usually I have to turn to non-fiction for that. I just read « back to nature » and haven’t stopped puzzling over the questions raised by what is put in – and left out – of the story. Usually I’m feeling either totally spoon-fed and or totally baffled as the gaps are too big. But in your writing the breadcrumb trails are sufficient to entice and the story telling masterful. It should definitely have a chance to reach a wider audience.

  3. You know when you stumble on something wonderful, devour the lot, get frustrated because you finished it all? Well, that. Until this… Loved this post and am dumbfounded it never occurred to me to go out and get the published stuff. Thank you for painting worlds that feel real.

  4. I was delighted to see your tag line on email because agree that your audience appreciates
    1/ the high quality of your writing skills, the range and the depth of your psychological insights, and the variety of your imaginative out of the ballpark points of view.

  5. Hey, put it up there for sale. I’m not like that. My Ukulele sheet music is “free”, but I always through something in the kitty. I don’t mind paying for content.

  6. I have been trying to find this book for years! It’s listed on American Amazon, but as “Not for Sale,” with no explanation. Wtf? Now I understand. Yes, please, look into getting the rights back. Release it as an ebook if you’re not up to the considerable work of self-publishing in print (though I would LOVE to have it in print).

    There are still lots of people who would love to read this book!

  7. ‘Free’ or ‘discounted’ are expected for all products these days. Beautiful Losers was a memorable story, and I thank you for offering it for free some years ago. But, I pay for every other story I read now. Why not yours?

  8. I read a story you wrote about a scared up man who bought a metal lips sculpture from a woman, where can I find it now, I lost it and loved it

  9. I love your work so much, and I would love to share it with a friend – where can I find the story about crossing the river Styx?

  10. I have followed your writing for many years, but now cannot access “comments” on any of the stories or articles.
    Please can you let me know how to?

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