In a small effort to give something back to the world in this time of crisis and fear, I thought I’d post my books online, for free, as an escape from the constant worries that we are all facing. These are offered in PDF format. I will try, when I get some time, to also add other e-book formats, but I’m pretty busy taking care of my 94-year old mum while in lock-down here in Spain.

All of these books are explicit erotic fiction. All contain material that some people may find triggering. If you would like to read more about them before downloading, you can head over to Goodreads and check out the summaries. If you download them and enjoy them, and have a little extra money, please consider donating to a charity in your area. Please stay safe, and be good to each other. We are our brother’s and sister’s keepers.

“… the only means of fighting a plague is common decency”
Albert Camus, The Plague

The Waiting Room


Beautiful Losers

The Splinter

The Change

25 Responses

    1. This is so utterly generous of you! I don’t know the first thing about you or your life, but I know you’ve always had writing and the pleasure (in all its forms) it beings to people closer to your heart than monetary gain. I will enjoy these books here in my Swedish quarantine.

  1. I never commented here before, but I find your words incredible. Your erotic stories are always much, much more than cheap entertainment (not that there is anything wrong with books and short stories that are easy and just there for entertainment). But your words are so much deeper, delving into the human mind and proposing questions.

    I was planning on buying at least “Waiting Room”, but I never got around to buying it, then this crisis came, the dollar went up and I wouldn’t be able to afford it now. So, thank you so much for putting such labors of love for free in times like this.

    Best wishes for you and your mom. I hope everything gets much better when this all ends.

  2. RG, thank you! Your writing is exquisite, and your heart is kind. I wish the best for you and your mom.

  3. Graciaaaaas hermanaaaa….for your generosity.
    Wishing your mother and you a wonderful memorable time together…

  4. RG,

    Thank you for posting this! I have always enjoyed your works. Please let me know where I can purchase your published works!
    Ebooks are convenient, but nothing beats the feel of a real book 🙂

  5. I’ve just finished reading The Waiting Room yesterday and I can’t even put into words how good it was! Once I started, I couldn’t stop until I’d finished. Thank you so much! It was exactly the escape that I needed right now. But the story has also left me with so much to think about and reflect on!!!

    I hope you and your Mum are keeping safe. And thanks again for sharing your amazing writing. Am making a donation to a local charity here in lieu of payment for the book 🙂

  6. I took the Camus quotation to heart and went hunting for places I could prove my common decency by actually paying for the words I’ve read… all I could find was a 2.95 dollars Kindle version of Waiting Room, which seemed, frankly, indecent so I’m posting my thanks instead. I realise of course that money’s not a substitute for thanks and am rather ashamed that, had the price not been so laughably cheap, I probably would have pretended that it was.

  7. A true example of a the blending of clear literary talant and erotica. I have ambitions of writing erotica myself and I look to your narrative as an example of the quality of description that can be achieved. I hope that the issue of flaky monitary compensation does not stop you from sharing your excellent talant with those of us who appreciate you. If I were to express what might up the anti for me it would be to use more dialogue.

  8. I’m unsure if I read the preface correctly, but if I did and this is an extremely long book, I will be reading it from cover to cover. This first chapter was riveting. Father Jean Michel has a very long and difficult road ahead of him. I cannot wait to see what his servant does in the near future, because I cannot see him being as diffident as he was in this first chapter. The girls are another matter. Are they, or are they not shape shifters? Is it just in the eyes of the priest that this is happening, or is it reality? The girls were never baptized, however they did receive communion, the conundrum continues. Where does that put the priest, now that he is forcibly had Congress with the girls? He’s been raped three times, so he is not willingly broken his vows of celibacy. Where does he go from here? I’m going to read this book, and probably memorize it for future use in my own writings.

  9. You write beautifully on what may be very ugly facets in female sensuality. Your stories are both compelling and important. I’m so grateful you share them. Thank you.

  10. Hi this is an awesome book… I think you should consider translating it into other languges… there is a huge demand for this in Africa… incase you are interested in how to promote your book by translating into more African languages please do contact me ..

  11. Splinter
    Tough read but great story
    Reminded me of a character from DaVinci code
    I could fault find but I am more interested in the thought process of your writing
    I saw your comment about transgressions as a reason for fiction writing
    If you want to create again what about some short ‘ one act ‘ illustrations of that

  12. Your literary talent and erotic writing style is sublime. Every one of your stories elicits sensual, sexual responses for me, with many challenging my beliefs, values and self-reflection. I am highly appreciative of your willingness to share and I truly hope that you decide to keep writing for those of us who gain so much enjoyment and self growth from your beautiful art form. Thankyou, sincerely. Danikj

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