Photo by by snickclunk

Two lurid pink cocktails later, in the humming darkness of the back of the merc, Yvette and Daniel sat with a slightly more intoxicated Jessica between them. Her hair glinted like copper in the strobe of the passing street lamps.

Daniel wound a heavy lock of it around her fingers. “What beautiful hair you have.”

The girl turned and smiled. “Thank you. I’m really proud of it.”

Yvette touched a single fingertip to the girl’s glossy mouth and traced its line. “And what lovely, plump, cock-sucking lips you’ve got,” she purred.

Slowly Daniel wound more and more of the girl’s hair around his fist.

Distracted by all the attention, Jessica glanced from side to side and then poked out the tip of her tongue and touched it to Yvette’s finger. “You like them? Too bad you don’t have a cock.”

With one unannounced and vicious yank, Daniel snapped Jessica’s head back against the padded seat. The girl yelped in surprise.

Daniel had turned, his face close to hers. “Oh, that was very funny, pretty girl.” He whispered. “What a clever little thing you are!”

Wary now, Jessica struggled a little. “Where are we going?”

Yvette trailed her fingertips along the girl’s arched jaw line and down her neck. “Well, we can’t very well fuck you here in the car, now can we?” Underneath the heavy perfume, she smelled the girl’s discomfort grow.

“Oh, I…I don’t mind doing it in the car,” said Jessica, her voice a little unsteady now. “I’ve done it in a car lots of times.”

Daniel relaxed his grip on the girl’s hair and settled back into the seat. “I can’t say I’m surprised. But I’m sure our driver, Khanh, is not as interested in hearing you squeal as we are.”

“He’s gay,” added Yvette, in feigned confidentiality, patting Jessica on the hand. “We respect his sensitivities.”

“So… so where are we going?” Jessica asked again, a tinge of fear in her voice.

Yvette let out a long, satisfied sigh as the car turned off Trung Dinh Street and slid past the tall wrought-iron gates. “Home.”

5 Responses

  1. I must say I am surprised that I went from eager on the first one to this funny knot in my belly on this one *blushes* I am going to read on because I am still curious but with a healthy dose of caution now! 😀

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