Photo by by snickclunk

With studied impassivity, Khanh held the car door open. Yvette took Daniel’s proffered hand, but the trio simply watched as Jessica struggled to get out of the car, awkward in her tight dress and ungainly platform heels.

She emerged unsteadily. “Wow! I didn’t know there were places like this here. It’s huge!” The gravel crunched under her feet as she stepped back and looked up at the facade of the massive, ancient villa.

Khanh was about to get back in the car to park it in the garage when Yvette stopped him.

“Chut xiu, Khanh,” she murmured, and glanced at Daniel, who was leaning against one of the thick columns of the portico, arms folded, watching the girl. “Shall we ask her now? Then…if…” she hesitated.

From some distance away, Jessica squealed. “Oh! Pool. You guys have a pool!”

“Khanh can take her home and drop off the phone?” Daniel shrugged. “Sure. I can try. But she won’t.”

Yvette rested her hand on Khanh’s arm. “Mot chut nua.”

Daniel caught up with the girl at the side of the house, took her arm, and gently steered her back towards the front door. She looked up at him as he slid his arm through hers.

“You’re really hot looking for an older guy, you know that?”

“Why thank you, pretty girl. You know what would be nice?” he asked, leading her back up the steps of the portico.

She bit her plump lower lip and grinned. “What?”

“You give me Javier Machado’s phone back. Then Khanh can take you home.”

For a moment there was nothing but the shrill chorus of crickets in the garden. Jessica’s face registered a flash of shock and then settled almost immediately into a look of confused sweetness. “Who?”

“Mr. Machado. The Spanish Trade Representative. I think you might have, mistakenly of course, taken his phone.” Daniel’s tone was bland, casual. “So, if you’d just give it back, Khanh can return it to him, and take you wherever you want to go.”

Yvette’s pulse raced as she watched the girl struggle to respond.

The pretty, lightly freckled face broke into a frown. Jessica tossed her lovely copper hair over her shoulders and fingered the strap of her purse. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t take anyone’s phone.”

Daniel lifted a hand, stroked her cheek and gave her his most dazzling smile. With a single arm around her waist, he drew the girl’s body toward his and slid the pad of his thumb across her mouth, smearing her lip-gloss. “No, of course you didn’t. My apologies.”

The sound that emerged from the girl’s throat was one of playful hunger. She parted her lips and caught his thumb between her teeth.

“Okay, good night Khanh. You can go home.” Yvette fished her keys from her purse, unlocked the enormous mahogany doors, and pushed them open with a flourish. “I think it’s time we had a little fun, don’t you?”

With a look of malevolent complicity, Daniel gave the girl a sudden and unceremonious shove over the threshold. Her heels skittered, finding no purchase on the marble in the huge, dimly lit hall and she went down on her ass with a humiliating thud.

“Way passed time.” He caught Yvette by the waist, pulled her close and pressed his warm lips to her ear. She could feel his cock come alive and thicken against her hip. “She’s all yours, love.”

5 Responses

  1. Ok & now like a yo-yo I am back to expectation… Your stories always manage to do that to me! 😀

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