Photo by by snickclunk

Half-naked, Jessica tugged furiously against the cuffs. The steel grated and rattled against the wrought-iron of the chaise, but it was old and built to last. She wasn’t going anywhere.

As she kicked and screamed and began to cry, Daniel came into the room, his formal suit exchanged for a t-shirt and a loose pair of soft black lounging pants. He stepped behind Yvette, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her neck. “That was handily done.”

Her heart was hammering and the heat of his lips on her neck only urged it on. Above his warm embrace, Yvette’s nipples hardened with such intensity they almost hurt. “Thank you. She was no problem.”

“Hey, asshole. Look what your crazy bitch of wife has done!” yelled Jessica. “Come on, let me go. For fuck’s sake!”

“She’s gone all red. She looks like a lobster,” said Daniel.

He raked his thumb over Yvette’s taut nipple. With a sharp inhalation, she pressed back, shivering along the length of his body. “Do you remember that A.A Milne poem for children? ‘What’s the matter with Mary Jane...'”

“‘I’ve promised her dolls and a daisy-chain,‘” he continued.

Yvette chanted. “She’s perfectly well, and she hasn’t a pain.

“Let me go!” Jessica hollered. “You sick fucks!”

“‘But, look at her, now she’s beginning again!‘”

The girl roared, her tear-stained face growing fiery red as she sobbed and drummed  her bare feet violently against the wooden parquet.

“What if she explodes?” asked Daniel. “Her head could just pop right off!”

“I hope not. It’s hard to get brains out of linen. Sticky.”

“She deserves it though. She’s a very bad girl.”

Jessica grew quiet and glowered at them. Her ample breasts heaved and jiggled in the demi-cups of her bright pink bra.

“Yes, she is.” Yvette sighed. “So young. So much to learn.”

“Teach her then, love.” Daniel let his arms drop.

Yvette took two steps towards the sullen, enraged Jessica and slapped her cheek so hard that, for a few seconds, the skin blanched to a bone white before the blood vessels refilled. She caught the girl’s jaw in her hand and forced her to look straight into Yvette’s eyes.

“If I ever hear you call my husband an asshole again, I will scar your facile, vacant, pretty little face for life,” she hissed. “Have I made myself clear?”

Jessica’s terrified, shallow breaths were the only noise in the otherwise silent room.

“Have I made myself clear?” She demanded again, her voice low and icy.

The girl took a few more hiccupped breaths and nodded.

“You’re a pretty girl, with lovely hair and a beautiful body. You’re everything that most girls your age dream of being. So why are you such a little cunt?”

Daniel eased himself into the chaise beside a suddenly quiet, very helpless Jessica. “Yes, I’d like to know that…” Sliding a fingertip over a flaming, tear-wet cheek, he tasted it and smiled. “Why are you such a nasty little cunt?”

“I’m not!” A hoarse sob broke Jessica’s words.

He fished in his left pocket, took out a small nail clipper and handed it to Yvette. “Claws first?”

“No question about it,” said Yvette. She knelt to the right of the girl and straightened out her fingers, exposing the long, bubble-gum pink talons. Yvette took a firm grip of her hand and snipped the first long nail of her index finger. It crunched as the acrylic split.

“Hey, what are you doing, bitch?”

Before the words were out of her mouth, Daniel took a fistful of her hair and jerked it back. “And the next time you call my wife a bitch, I won’t bother scarring you, pretty girl. I’ll just break your fucking neck.”

Jessica’s eyes were wide, the pupils dilated. She tried to nod, but Daniel’s grip wouldn’t allow for it. “Yes, okay. Okay.”

One by one the crimson nails came off. Yvette was careful not to cut too close to the quick, but by the time she was finished, she had deposited ten inch-long pieces of acrylic into the wastepaper basket with deep satisfaction.

Daniel sat back and smiled. “So, you never answered the question. Why are you such a thieving little cunt?”

Blinking away another wave of tears, Jessica shook her head. “You just can’t do this to people! My father is the new chief engineer at Intel, you know. I’m going to tell the cops.”

“Really?” Daniel looked at the girl in fascination.

Yvette walked over to the bureau, and returned to the foot of the bed with a long, black slender object. “You’re not in Kansas any more, Dorothy. I don’t know where you come from, but the police here aren’t going to pay attention to the hysterical fantasies of a spoiled expat brat.”

But the words didn’t register. Jessica’s attention was fixed on the object in Yvette’s hand. “What… what is that?”

Yvette smirked and twisted the bottom of the object. It hummed with ever increasing volume as she clicked it around. “Well, I said we were going to have some fun, didn’t I?”

Jessica clamped her bare thighs together so hard, the slap of skin on skin echoed around the room. “Don’t. Don’t you dare!”

“Oh, but I *do* dare, you little slut, because you clearly need it.” Forcing one knee between Jessica’s, she wrenched the girl’s legs apart. Daniel held her left thigh and Yvette held her right, splaying her wide.

“I know you’ve spent a good portion of the evening craving my husband’s cock.” She teased the sleek black vibrator over Jessica’s mound. “And honestly… I don’t blame you. Unfortunately, that probably isn’t going to happen unless you suddenly become a much nicer human being. So…” She wormed her fingers under the inner leg of Jessica’s very tight, matching pink panties and tore the crotch aside. “I guess this will have to do.”

With one firm shove, she hilted the vibrator in to Jessica’s denuded cunt and pulled the crotch of the panties back in place to keep it there.

“Oh!” Squeaked the girl. “No… this is… No… it’s too…Oh, God!”

Yvette stepped back and gave Daniel a wide smile of accomplishment. They both burst into laughter at the same time.

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