Photo by by snickclunk

“I couldn’t help it!” Jessica wailed as Yvette and Daniel entered the room.

It was obvious what she was referring to: her thighs were streaming wet and a puddle of liquid had gathered on the wood floor beneath where she sat.

“Oh, my! What a filthy little slut!” Yvette allowed a stage-like resonance to ring in the words. Daniel tisked and shook his head.

“It’s not my fault. I couldn’t stop it!” She brayed angrily between sobs. “It’s YOUR fault. YOU did this to me!”

Yvette stood above her, hair still dripping from the pool. She looked down at the slumped, weeping thing that was Jessica and smoothed the sweat soaked hair off the girl’s forehead. “Dear me. You’re something of a mess, aren’t you, piglet?”

At first the girl convulsed soundlessly. Then, as Yvette hooked her fingers under the fabric at the hips of Jessica’s panties and began to tug them down, the girl gave a miserable whimper.

“You left me! You left me all alone. Why?” The tears streamed down her cheeks. They flowed fast and free. “Why did you abandon me?”

“No one abandoned you, piglet. We were right outside. Now, lift your hips.”

The girl complied, her muscles still quivering as Yvette pulled the underwear down Jessica’s soaked thighs. The barrier gone, the vibrator shot out with such force it skittered across the floor, rolled a few more feet and sat rattling like a long thin beetle.

With clinical fastidiousness, Yvette walked over to where it lay, and picked it up, using a dry patch of the panties to protect her fingers. She turned it off and dropped both the toy and the panties into the wicker wastebasket that already held the gaudy fingernail clippings.

Daniel tipped his head to Yvette’s ear and murmured. “My turn?”

Yvette smiled. “Please. Be my guest.”

“Would you be so kind as to go and fetch a basin of water and a cloth, my love?” Daniel also pitched his voice to ensure that Jessica could hear every word above her soft crying.

Without responding, Yvette went through into the adjoining bathroom. Taking an old enamel washbowl off the shelf, she filled it with water and a generous amount of liquid soap. She found a cleaning rag under the sink and dropped it in the basin.

By the time she returned to the room, Jessica was uncuffed. She sat on the soaked towels beneath her bare rump, rubbing the angry red marks around her wrists. Her face hid behind a curtain of tangled, red curls.

Daniel towered over her, a thin leather riding crop in his left hand. It made short, sharp cracks as he tapped it against his leg.

“Ah, perfect. Thank you, love.”

Yvette placed the basin close to the reeking puddle on the floor and took a few steps back. As much as she loved playing the architect of misery, it was equally delicious to watch Daniel at play.

“Now,” he said, angling the tip of the crop under Jessica’s chin. “You are going to clean up your mess. That’s what civilized people do.”

Even before the girl said a word, there was something in her posture that convinced Yvette the defiance wasn’t over. Perhaps it was the absence of the cuffs, or the relief of not having the vibrator inside her anymore, but Yvette’s spine tingled with what she knew was going to be a show of force.

“Civilized?” Jessica snarled. She sniffed and wiped her nose on the back of her hand. “How can you talk about civilized? You’re both crazy.”

Yvette stepped toward the door to the hallway, closed it, and turned the old fashioned key in the lock. But she needn’t have bothered. Daniel grabbed Jessica’s arm and pulled her onto the floor beside the puddle.

“Clean it up,” he growled. Not loud, but with menace.

“No. Fuck you! *You* clean it up. It’s your fault.”

The first crop strike was so fast Yvette didn’t see it. She only heard it connect with Jessica’s bare haunch. The sweet snap made Yvette’s cunt twitch. The girl let out a high, piercing scream. Having felt the sting of the crop herself, Yvette knew an over-reaction when she heard one.

Daniel crouched down and used a fistful of Jessica’s hair to push her face closer to the puddle on the floor. “You will clean up your mess willingly and you’ll be punished for making it,” he said quietly. “Or, if you prefer, I can use your hair and your face to clean it up myself. It’s your choice. I’m not squeamish.”

This was the Daniel who never failed to bring Yvette to her knees. Calm, rational and demanding of total obedience. Her chest grew tight and the blood rushed to her pussy as she watched Jessica reach for the basin, wring out the cloth, and do as she was told.

Once the clean-up was finished, Daniel made her take the sodden towels and basin into the bathroom, empty it and rinse it clean. Then he removed her bra and prodded her into the white-tiled shower area.

Perched on the vanity beside the sink, Yvette watched as Daniel turned on the water, told the girl to brace herself against the wall under the full force of the shower, and gave her buttocks five, perfectly lobed crop-marks. Each one elicited a throaty yelp. They pulsed red like kisses against Jessica’s white skin.

“Now, be a good girl and wash yourself.”

Daniel stood beside Yvette. She shuddered with pleasure at the physical proximity. “My god, you make me so hot,” she whispered.

While the girl cried softly and soaped herself, Daniel enfolded Yvette in his arms and kissed her with a feral urgency that left her tasting the coppery tang of her own blood, or perhaps it was his.

8 Responses

  1. I see that you’re making use of the information gathered about BDSM fans from earlier. I look forward to continue to read this story. It tickles just the right place :).


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