I think there is a WORLD of difference between what people fantasize about and what they actually do.
If you have a difficult time understanding this difference, you should not be reading my work.
I don’t hold an opinion what proclivities may or may not be considered ‘mental disorders’. I do know that homosexuality was, until very recently, assumed to be and classified as a mental disorder and, because of this, I question the reliability of these designations.
I do NOT condone the making, posting, downloading or viewing of child pornography. I condemn it – both morally and legally.
I do not condone rape. I condemn it. The stories that I have written that include rape – sometimes eroticised, sometimes not – are fiction and fantasy. It does NOT follow that I am ambivalent about forced sex or rape in reality. I condemn it (again.)
I assume, if you have clicked past the warning page, that you have reached the age of majority in whatever place you live, and that you are sane enough to take responsibility for your actions.
My stories are not intended as how-to manuals, life-style guides or psychology textbooks. I am not a psychologist, sex therapist or anything else that would qualify me to suggest how you should live your life.
If you read something in my work that you find offensive, please be responsible enough to stop reading. The appeal of my work is not universal nor is it intended to be.
As a woman, I have inherited the burden of thousands of years of social, religious and sexual oppression. My understanding of self, my agency, my language and my sexuality were born, molded and twisted by that oppression. I am happy to have a discussion on why I write what I write, but I will not tolerate being told what I can or cannot write about.
I am not perfect and I do not exercise perfect judgment. If you assume I am, or that I do, please leave.
Let’s go
Love a manifesto! And I especially appreciate your clarity in #9.